Got a PT test coming up? Need to make weight? All with the help of your own personal coach that gets it?!

See if having a one on one coach is right for you.

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you will receive an email with the Military Mom’s Weight Loss SOP so you can get started passing Height, Weight, & PT without the stress. I know first hand what it’s like to struggle as a military mom trying to pass PT after having that baby. I struggled for 17 years of my military career before I had these tools. I did it the hard way, and I’m give these tools to you so you don’t have to. You too can be within regulation for HT,WT, & PT without it being a struggle. Imagine what that would be like if you never stressed about another PT test or weigh in. If you never stressed about your weight and having to be taped. What would that be like? Join me on a FREE one on one discovery session and let me help you find that one thing that is preventing you from ending this struggle permanently. So you too can pass HT, WT, & PT without the stress.